Inpatients are hosted in two state-of-the-art hospitalization wings, which fulfil the highest international standards, after an extended preparation, regarding also other similar hospitals and centres abroad that have been already greatly experienced.

Hospitalization wings are:



Aiming to

    1. achieve the best possible treatment result
    2. a normal adaptation for the patients in the hospital environment

In Orthopaedics Wing we hospitalize medical cases such as: Post-operative treatment of patients after orthopaedics surgery, Rheumatopathies, Paraplegia – Quadriplegia, Multiply-injured patients, Factures, Spinal cord injuries, Amputations, etc.

In Neurological Wing we hospitalize medical cases such as: Cerebrovascular Accidents, Spinal Cord Disorders and Injuries, Craniocerebral Injuries, Multiple Sclerosis, Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors after neurosurgical treatment, Parkinson Disease, Brain Paralysis, etc.