Speech therapy department evaluates and provides therapy to children with birth defects or other acquired disorders, teenagers, adults with neurological or degenerative disorders and elder people that suffer form cerebrovascular accidents or degenerative disorders, such as dementia or Alzheimer disease.
There is a wide spectrum of disorders that can be treated with the assistance of Speect therapy department, such as deglutition problems, speech and talking disorders, understanding and communication disorders and reading disorder.
The speech therapist first of all, considers the patient’s history and evaluates the possible difficulties, then makes the diagnosis and suggests the best possible therapy. He helps to identify the consequences of the speech and communication disorders in patients’ everyday life, and in therapy treatments’ followed, according to other therapists’ opinions.
The logotherapist helps the patient overcome his difficulty in communication, using other high technology methods; helps him learn all the types of communication, emphasising on the oral form of communication; and retrains his logical consequence function, memory function, attention function and structured speech function, facilitating the therapy treatments, followed according to other therapists’ opinions.